
Online Orchids and Supplies

  • Andy’s Orchids:  We are a family-owned nursery specializing in SPECIES orchids. We cultivate over 7,000 different species, and have an inventory of over 750,000 plants. We grow everything from traditional favorites to the rarest exotics.            I’ve been growing orchids since the age of seven, and opened my nursery in 1990. My goal is to offer exceptionally well-grown, established plants and to provide my customers with instructions for growing them successfully so they will thrive in your care.

Andy’s Orchids


  • Diamond Orchids: Due to limited growing space, Peter likes to specialize in miniature orchids, both species and hybrids, and has received numerous AOS awards.  His interests in orchids include Dendrobiums, Angraecoids, and Neofinetias.  He is also known as “Mr Sophronitis” as he has a passion for growing and collecting them.  He maintains a collection of a thousand or more orchids at his home in Southern California in 3 small greenhouses, outdoors, as well as an offsite greenhouse.

Diamond Orchids


  • Flori-Culture:  Orchid and Specialty Growing Supplies:  (Formerly Calwest Tropical Supply) .  We have become known for having the best products at affordable prices, with outstanding customer service throughout your entire growing experience. Flori-Culture will continue to distinguish itself by finding the best products on the market and offering them to our Customers at the best price possible.



  • Gold Country Orchids:  For over 30 years we have been known for our quality miniature and compact cattleyas, but to the orchid aficionado we have also been known as a fantastic source for species.With over 2000 different species, too many to put into one list, we have long been a source to the orchid industry. The quality of our species has been perfected through years of breeding.In our many travels we are always looking to improve on the quality of our orchids and have always tried to buy new plants on every trip to add to our select inventory. For years people have come to our nursery to seek divisions of our sometimes rare, but always healthy, vigorous plants. Now we can bring the nursery to you via our web site.Our owner Alan Koch is an internationally known speaker, author, and expert in the Cattleya Alliance.

Gold Country Orchids

  • In Situ Orchids:  Jeff ‘s main focus and passion are Bulbophyllum, Australian Dendrobium and miniatures. He’s also interested in Dendrochilum, plus anything strange and unusual from the orchid world insituorchids

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